The 2nd International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy (ICMTE) aims at bringing together academics and practitioners in the field of materials technology and energy.  This conference is jointly organised by The Institution of Engineering Malaysia (Miri Branch), Institution of Materials Malaysia (Miri Chapter), and Curtin University Malaysia.  This will provide platform to discuss recent technical advancements and innovation in relation to materials technology and energy.  This is an excellent opportunity for the exchange of ideas and knowledge, and for discussing future challenges.

Call for Paper

ICMTE 2019 invites quality research findings from researchers, engineers, and academicians on the recent technical advancements, innovation, best practices & lessons learnt in relation to materials technology and energy. All abstracts and papers will be reviewed by the ICMTE 2019 Technical review Committee. All accepted and presented full length papers will be published in the IOP Conference Proceedings, which is indexed by ISI Web of Science (Conference Proceedings Citation Index), ScopusEi Compendex and other databases. Based on the review comments and recommendations, selected papers will be recommended for submission/publication in the Scopus/ISI-indexed Journals.

Topics of interest for submission include, but not limited to:

Structures, Materials and Manufacturing: Construction technology and management; construction and structural materials; structural design and analysis; geo-polymers; ceramics; nano-materials; bio materials; polymers; composites; smart materials; welding technology; asset integrity management; corrosion engineering; drilling and production; inspection technique; materials engineering; shipbuilding; applications in oil and gas, oleo chemical, and petrochemical.

Environment, Energy and Resources: Renewable energy applications and technologies; fuel cells; oil and gas applications; power generation; wastewater treatment; produced water treatment; bioremediation; biotechnology; process integration; cleaner production technology; petroleum geology; soft-soil sciences; recent environmental issues.


ICMTE Secretariat                                               

Faculty of Engineering and Science

Curtin University, Malaysia

CDT 250, Miri 98009


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