Reported by: Assoc. Prof Dr Nurulakmal Mohd Sharif, USM (MLC 2021 Chairperson)
Edited by: Dr. Nor Akmal Fadil, UTM (Chairperson, IMM-MLC Committee)

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has been selected as the host of this year Materials Lecture Competition 2021 (MLC 2021). The MLC 2021 Semi-final and final round were organised by USM together with the Institute of Materials, Malaysia (IMM) and the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3-UK) on the 14th July 2021 and 28th July 2021 respectively via online. Both events were conducted using webex platform and aired via live streaming in Facebook page of School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering. The events were originally scheduled on 2nd June 2021 and 16th June 2021 for both semi-final and final rounds. However, the whole of Malaysia placed under the Movement Control Order 3.0 (MCO 3.0) from 12th May 2021 to 7th June 2021, as the country grapples with rising Covid-19 infections. Under this movement restriction that previously last for more than four weeks, all educational institutions were closed. Therefore, the committee members have decided to postpone the events to mid-July.

The aim of the event was to provide a platform for young talents to exhibit effective and impressive presentation skills in delivering topics in the field of material science and engineering. The MLC 2021 semi-final event was officiated by Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Syed Fuad Saiyid Hashim, the Dean of School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, USM. The panel of judges for both semi-final dan final were selected among the academia and industry practitioners (Table 1).

Table 1. The Panel of Judges for MLC 2021 Semi-final and MLC 2021 Final

MLC 2021 Semi-final MLC 2021 Final
1. Mr. Kang Kim Ang (CORRTROL Group of companies) – Moderator 1. Prof Esah Hmazah (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) – Moderator
2. Professor Dr Megat Mohamad Hamdan Megat Ahmad (Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia) 2. Professor Ir Dr. Sapuan Salit (Universiti Putra Malaysia)
3. Assoc. Professor Ir. Ts. Dr. Wan Sharuzi bin Wan Harun (Universiti Malaysia Pahang) 3. Ir Dr. Azmi Mohammad Nor (Petronas Research Sdn. Bhd.)
4. Madam Feroza Shariff (Sapura OMV Upstream (Sarawak) Inc.) 4.Ir Dr. Lim Mook Tzeng (TNB Research Sdn. Bhd.)

The MLC 2021 semi-final competition is aimed to select five finalists and was participated by eighteen Malaysian universities as shown in Table 2. The first 5 participants in the Table 2 are the MLC2021 top five finalist who won the competition. The top five finalists competed in the MLC 2021 finals on the 28th July 2021 which also was organised via online by USM. The MLC 2021 Final event was officiated by Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Syed Fuad Saiyid Hashim, the Dean of School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, USM. The half-day competition ended with closing remarks given by Dato’ Dr. Ir. Ts. Haji Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah. Farah Hannan Abd Nasir from Universiti Malaya is the Winner of MLC2021 while Mivolil Duinong from UMS and Merna Ehab Mohamed Kamel Shehata from University of Nottingham came in as the second and third prize winners respectively. The winners received a cash prize of RM 3000, RM 2000 and RM 1000, while consolation prizes of RM 500 were given to the last two finalists. The cash prize was sponsored by IMM. The first prize winner will represent Malaysia in YPWLC2021 in November which will be organised by IOM3-UK via online competition.

Table 1. The Panel of Judges for MLC 2021 Semi-final and MLC 2021 Final

No. Name of Participant University
1 Mivolil Duinong Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Top Five Finalists
2 Farah Hannan Binti Abd Nasir Universiti Malaya (UM)
3 Satisvar A/L Sundera Murthe Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
4 Merna Ehab Mohamed Kamel Shehata University Of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC)
5 Imranah Binti Said Mohamed Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP)
6 Nur Fatihah Binti Tajul Arifin Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
7 Ignatius Lim Yuze Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TARUC)
8 Zulkamal Arief Shah Bin Muhammad Haniff Lim Taylor’s University
9 Hamed Rastgoo Ghamsari Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
10 Daniel Azlan Bin Mohd Azli Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)
11 Yap Yee Wen Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)
12 Ahmad Abdul Mun’im Bin Ismail International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
13 Devan Chandrasakaran Universiti Selangor (UNISEL)
14 Norhamizah Hazirah Binti Ahmad Junaidi Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
15 Mohd Syafiq Aiman Bin Mohd Hanapi Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
16 Haran Murali Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)
17 Kartigesan Murugaya Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
18 Chaw Eileen University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)

Photo 1. MLC 2021 Semi-final event: Top Five Finalists: UM, UMS, USM, Uni. of Nottingham, and UTP.

Photo 2. Webex Screenshot of the eighteen MLC2021 Semi-final participants with IMM Rep, MLC Chairperson, MLC committee members, the Judges, and the Dean of School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, USM.

Photo 3. Judge’s deliberation session for MLC2021 Semi-final (top) and MLC 2021 Final (bottom)

Photo 4. Webex Screenshot of the MLC2021 Final event:
The five finalists with IMM representative,
MLC Chairperson, and the panel of judges.

Photo 5. The live streaming via Facebook Page of School of Materials and Minerals Resources Engineering, USM for MLC 2021 Semi-final (top) and MLC2021 Final (bottom)

Photo 6. Winner of MLC 2021